
Friday, June 24, 2016

I Made It

So excited to announce I made the DT for Paverpol!
 I'm Kim, I live in Tucson, AZ, I am in my 40's and am married to a fantastic guy named Dave. 
We have 3 children in our blended family...all over the age of 19.
If a person needs a label, mine would be "Crafter". 
I just love to craft, it's my outlet and what keeps me sane.

I am looking forward to working with not
only this wonderful product but
with each of these ladies!

Can't wait to show you what I create.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Excited To Apply To Paverpol

Wow, it is surprising to me how long it has been since I posted anything!

Today I want to show a canvas I made to enter
for a design team position with

The company is new to me but seems to have
some incredible products for all sorts of art projects.

Check out their FaceBook page here.

No matter what I am making I like try to
start out with an idea of what I want to create:
theme, colors, words, even layout
before I get to creating. Once I have that I like to gather the 
embellishments, paints, sprays, etc in a box or tray.

 My collection of embellies I may use

Some flowers and what not I may use...color doesn't matter because
I will gesso over the whole thing before adding my colors.

The start of my color choices.
I never limit myself with a color palette.

Now that the thinking part is done I grab my canvas and
start to add my texture with stencils.

Once I let that dry I start to lay out my's
funny how sometimes what you start out with ends up back on the shelf 
or in a different spot on the project!

Once I get them where I want them I glue them down and start on the gesso...
making sure to get it all over and into everything. 
Then start with my colors. I used some Tattered Angels, Lindy's and Jacquard paints.

This is the hardest step to describe in any detail because a lot of the time
I will just grab a color and start spraying...hoping it will work out
with the other colors. BIGGEST thing is to let it dry before
adding new colors. Or they can start to muddy up a bit.

I will wait a day or two before I decide a piece is finished and
will usually end up adding more paint or spray!
This piece I had to just stop myself and say it's DONE
after I added some micro beads, mica flakes and some pigment dust here and there.

 I took 10 pictures and none of them look like what the canvas really looks like
but here we are. LOL

I hope you like it
and wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Some Projects...

 I am completely ashamed of myself.
I have not kept up with my blog or the posting of my projects.

No excuses...I haven't done it and I need to make up for it!

I am applying for a design team position at
a company called Paverpol and of course
the want to see your blog...that's when I realized I have
not done a dang thing in a long time!

So here are some of the projects I have created over the last few months...

This is a book/album I made using watercolor paper

 I used a lot of texture on the cover and
just played with paint on the pages...
 I added plastic sleeves so I could add pictures or
notes on the tags
 Painting palette

12 x 12 canvas page

 These is what I call a fram-age...
combination scrapbook page that can be hung, framed or kept
as a page in a scrapbook
Large multi canvas project that I made for a friend who had a little girl
 I wanted to try an ombre style canvas...this is what
it turned out like

 16 x 16 shadow box canvas
 12 x 12 fram-age only made out of wood so it
can be hung or set into a table top holder

And there are a lot more but figured this was pretty good
to start!